Armando Braswell bei Kunst im Club 2013

Outer Rim Stuttgart e.V.
5. – 7. Juli, zollamt stuttgart – Stuttgart Bad-Cannstatt

Armando Braswell
Choreografie (Premiere)
Musik: Portformat
Freitag 05.07. und Samstag 06.07.2013 ab 22:15Uhr

Das dritte Jahr in folge ist Armando Braswell, Tänzer und Choreograph aus Brooklyn New York, derzeit am Theater Basel tätig, Teil des Outer Rim Stuttgart Kunst im Club Festivals.
2011 zeigte er die Tanzperformance „On The Run“ zur Musik einer Soundinstallation seines Hauskomponisten Philip Kannicht. 2012 brachte der Fotograf Joachim M. Riederer den Tänzer in Form der interaktiven Video-Installation „pacemaker//emotion“ auf das Kunst im Club Festival.
Für das Outer Rim Stuttgart Kunst im Club Festival 2013 hat sich eine weitere, spannende Zusammenarbeit ergeben: Braswell wird eine Choreografie zur Musik des Stuttgarter Produzenten Portformat kreieren, die beim Kunst im Club Festival 2013 Ihre Premiere feiern wird.
Außerdem wird die Zusammenarbeit mit Joachim Riederer und Philip Kannicht in diesem Jahr fortgesetzt, und der Tänzer wird wieder in der weiterentwickelten Form der interaktiven Video-Installation zu sehen sein.

Armando Braswell is a professional dancer from Brooklyn, NY. While attending LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts, he also trained at the School of American Ballet and the Ailey School. Upon graduating, Armando was accepted to The Juilliard School and received his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Dance in 2006. In New York, Armando was engaged as a soloist for the Metropolitan Opera Ballet for two seasons. 
In June 2006, Armando moved to Germany to dance with Ballet Theater Munich under the direction of Philip Taylor. In 2007, Armando became a founding member of Gauthier Dance, a new resident company at Theaterhaus Stuttgart in Germany. In August 2012, Armando moved to Basel, Switzerland to join the Basel Ballet as a soloist.
Armando was a Contemporary – Jazz faculty member at the New York City Dance School in Stuttgart, Germany from 2010 -2012. As a guest Teacher, Armando has taught workshops at the Festspielhaus in Baden – Baden, the La Danza School for Artistic Dance in Munich, the Luca-tanzprojekte workshop series in Stuttgart, the Teo Otto Theater in Remschied,The New York City Performing Arts Centre and the Dance Works Dance Center in New York, USA. Armando was also teacher and choreographer for a team Project with Mercedez- Benz Bank and Theaterhaus Stuttgart called Ready to Dance. The project involved children from the Hallslag and Jim Pazzo Youth Centers.
Armando's ballets have been featured in numerous festivals and competitions, such as the International Competition for Choreographers in Hannover, the International Solo-Dance-Theatre Festival in Stuttgart, the 2009 Tanzwelten Festival at the Staatstheater Braunschweig, and the Noverre-Gesellschaft evening with the Stuttgart Ballet. Armando has also created works for the Balletttheater München Junge Choreografen at Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, the Manhattan Dance Company, the Luca Tanz Project, five creations for Gauthier Dance and four duets for Танцюють всі!, the Ukraine version of the television show “So You Think You Can Dance”.

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Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der KULTURINSEL Stuttgart (Original).

Foto: © Armando Braswell